Patient Preferred Financing

ISG makes patient financing available up to $75,000 through pre-tax payroll deductions

The best way to pay for all the things insurance doesn’t cover

ISG works with patients and providers to administer payment arrangements directly between the two parties. Because ISG also works with employers, these payment arrangements can be payroll deducted and routed through pre-tax vehicles such as a Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA). Our financing solution truly fills all the gaps created by insurance coverage in a convenient and affordable way.

  • Cosmetic
  • Dentistry
  • Fertility
  • Hair
  • Hearing
  • LASIK & Vision
  • Weight Loss

How it Works

Once you have met with your provider and decided on a treatment option, your provider will create a “payment arrangement” using our cloud-based program, establishing amounts, terms, start date, and down payment. Our program qualifies you for payments based on your banking history, not by checking your credit score. Once qualified, you can log in to your online member portal and complete a claim form, then your payments will be automatically deducted from your paycheck every payroll.

*At participating providers


Because ISG can utilize pre-tax payroll deductions, and only a fixed monthly fee is charged instead of interest, our program is the most affordable financing solution available, period. For example, someone making $50,000 in CA will save 35% by using our program vs. CareCredit.

For Providers

Stop letting your patients walk out the door without showing them how affordable great care can be! Most patients DO NOT want to change providers, but they will be forced to look elsewhere if they aren’t educated in your office on how easy and affordable it is to take advantage of programs like this. Please reach out to ISG if you are interested in helping more of your patients afford quality care at your practice.

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